Multi-disciplinary health team seated in circle having a discussion about personalised care


Want to expand your own knowledge and skills in personalised care, but not ready for an in-depth programme?

Our WASP Workshops are for health or social care professionals with an interest in personalised care, who want to develop their knowledge and skills to improve their practice.


Shared Decision Making Online Workshop


Shared Decision Making (SDM) is a core component of personalised care.  This one-day, online workshop, will provide participants with an in-depth introduction to SDM, the evidence and benefits, as well as skills and tools to begin to put high quality shared decision making into practice.  This workshop is accredited with the Personalised Care Institute.

By the end of the course, you will be able to:

  • Define Shared Decision-Making.
  • Summarise how SDM fits with personalised care.
  • Describe the benefits of SDM and the evidence base that supports it.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the supportive systems required to deliver Shared Decision Making.
  • Describe the SHARE approach, and how it can support SDM conversations.
  • Create a reflection of your own practice, including how you will change something to reflect your own learning from the day.

Who is it for?

Whilst we welcome attendance from any health or social care professional who wants to learn more about shared decision making, this course is based on NHS principles, guidelines and practice.

How is it delivered?

Online, via Zoom. This is an interactive, small group workshop with a maximum of 30 participants.

How much does it cost?

£180 per person.


Dr Beth Clark and Lyndsay Court.

How do I book?

4th October 2023 – FULLY BOOKED

Upcoming Dates: 24th April 2024 (places still available)

For more information and to book your place – click here

Personalised Care and Support Planning Online Workshop


Personalised Care and Support Planning (PCSP) is a core component of personalised care.  This one-day, online workshop, will provide participants with the knowledge and skills to put high quality PCSP into practice.   Attendees will receive an in-depth introduction to PCSP, in the context of the NHS Universal Model of Personalised Care, as well as practical advice and skills to implement PCSP into practice.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Define Personalised Care and Support Planning (PCSP)
  • Summarise how PCSP fits with personalised care 
  • Describe the benefits of PCSP and the evidence base that supports it
  • Demonstrate understanding of the 6 steps of how to create a personalised care and support plan
  • State 3 different conversational skills to enable the conversation to develop a personalised care and support plan
  • Create a reflection of your own practice, including how you will change something to reflect your own learning from the day.

Who is it for?

Whilst we welcome attendance from any health or social care professional who wants to learn more about shared decision making, this course is based on NHS principles, guidelines and practice.

How is it delivered?

Online, via Zoom.  This is an interactive, small group workshop with a maximum of 30 participants.

How much does it cost?

£180 per person.


Dr Beth Clark and Lyndsay Court

How do I book?

Upcoming Dates: 27th September 2023 – FULLY BOOKED

Please complete this form to register your interest in future PCSP workshops.

Supporting Self Management in Long Term Conditions – 1 day workshop


Supported self-management (SSM) is a core component of personalised care. This one-day interactive workshop will provide you with introductory knowledge and skills to enable a supported self-management approach in your practice. It will help you to reflect on how and where you could work differently to support people who use your services. You will receive an in-depth introduction to SSM, in the context of the NHS Universal Model of Personalised Care, as well as practical advice and skills to implement this within your practice behaviours.

By the end of the course, you will be able to:

  • Define and understand what supported self-management is and what it isn’t
  • Summarise how SSM fits within the wider personalised care agenda
  • Understand why SSM is important and what the benefits are for people, professionals, and systems
  • Describe the concept of activation, and reflect on this impact this has on health behaviour.
  • Apply different tailoring and behaviour change principles to your practice
  • Know how to show the impact of SSM
  • Reflect on your current practice (in a safe and supportive environment) to help you to identify oppurtunity for improvement.

Who is it for?

Whilst we welcome attendance from any health or social care professional who wants to learn more about shared decision making, this course is based on NHS principles, guidelines and practice.

How is it delivered?

This workshop is offered as both an online and an in-person event. It is an interactive, small group workshop with a maximum of 30 participants.

How much does it cost?

£180 per person.


Steph Heath and Carl Adams

How do I book?

2024 dates coming soon – starting with an in-person workshop in Southampton. Check back soon or join our mailing list for more details.

Proactive Care Online Workshop


Anyone with a long-term condition, which is likely to deteriorate, should be encouraged to think about and plan for changes in their health and functioning; how they would like their health and wellbeing to be managed, if their condition changes? The benefits of having these conversations is that people have more choice and control in their care, which is based on the things that matter the most to them.

During this workshop, we will explore ways in which we can start to have conversations about future care; to develop proactive (anticipatory) care plans – and be confident that we are basing these on each individuals values and preferences, supporting them to live as well as they can, throughout the changes in their condition.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Define what is meant by the term Proactive Care and what this encompasses.
  • Explain the link between Proactive Care and Personalised Care
  • Describe the features of a personalised proactive care plan, and how this can be achieved.
  • Describe how Proactive Care can tackle health inequalities 
  • Identify the skills required to deliver proactive and personalised care 
  • Evaluate your own service and identify areas you could develop 
  • State where you can access tools and resources to further your knowledge on these topics. 

Who is it for?

This workshop is aimed at health or social care professionals, who work with people with long term conditions, which are likely to progress at some point in the future. The workshop is based on NHS principles, guidelines and practice.

How is it delivered?

Online, via Zoom. It is an interactive, small group workshop with a maximum of 30 participants.

How much does it cost?

£180 per person.


Lyndsay Court and Jo Hurd

How do I book?

    • 12th September 2023- FULLY BOOKED
    • 14th September 2023 – FULLY BOOKED
    • 11th October 2023 – FULLY BOOKED
    • 12th October 2023 – FULLY BOOKED

Join our mailing list to register your interest for future dates.